Sunday, June 8, 2008


(this blog is a little depressing, but hey, aren't you supposed to blog what is on your mind???)

So summer is in full swing now and nothing has really changed. I go to school, then head to work and then come home to do some homework or take a test. I really don't have a life and don't really get to see anyone. My grades this past semester have really slipped and so I am trying to put all my energy to doing well in these summer courses I am taking.

Jordan left this past Friday to go sign his lease for his new apt. in Brownwood and he will be gone till the last week in June. I am struggling a bit because it has finally hit me that after that last week in June he will not be living in Denton anymore. It is a totally bittersweet experience thus far. I am totally excited on one hand because I know that this move is a total God thing and is what God wants from both Jordan and I. I think that with Jordan not living in Denton anymore will strenghten not only our relationship but our relationship with God. The bible study that we are doing right now is helping me with the fact that he is not here, but it is still a struggle not seeing him whenever I want.

My prayer right now is that God will continue being there for me and that I learn to lean on Him more often. I pray that as this next couple of "adjustment" months go by that Jordan and I continue to stay strong and growing in Christ. I am so thankful that God has given us these past years to spend them in the same town and at the same school, and I pray that He will take my struggles and fears off of my shoulders.

I want to ask whoever reads this that they pray for me and these next couple of weeks and that they also pray for Nic and his youth group as they go through this next week of Beach Bash. Once again sorry that this blog is not that fun to read!

1 comment:

JCo said...

I will definitely be praying for you guys and i know that you will do a great job getting through you guys