Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selfish Desires

So apparently I suck at this blogging thing. (At least that is what Jordan keeps telling me.) :) So I haven't blogged in ages and am now going to TRY and keep it up regularly. Because I know that every single one of you that reads this is super interested in the happenings of Kaylen Watson.

So to catch y'all up...I finished the semester (did horribly), started my maymester and started a new job.

My maymester is going good, I actually have an A in it right now, which is super exciting!. It sucks because there is a ton of homework and I don't really have a life as of right now but it is okay.

I am now working at a Christian bookstore called Mardel. I really love it there and my co-workers are amazing Godly people. I feel super blessed that God has given me this opportunity!!

This summer has been going pretty good lately, I have spent a lot of it alone with Salty. I really didn't like this time when it first started happening a lot. It turns out that what I really didn't like about it is that this is when God has really been convicting me about the way that I have been living my life this past couple semesters. God has totally flipped my life around and it is AMAZING! I fallen in love with Him all over again and have come to cherish the time that I have alone now because it is a time that I get to spend one-on-one with my Father.

So Jordan and I have started this couples devotional book. We just started it last week and I have to say that God has shown me so much through this. It is my prayer that Jordan and I are able to draw closer to God through these devotions and therefore strenghten our relationship. I know that we are going to have a tough transitional period these coming months but I have COMPLETE faith that God has is under control and it will all be okay. I have totally caught myself slipping up some this past week and worrying about this next semester. And as I found myself worrying tonight I ran across the song Ruin Me by Jeff Johnson. This song is an awesome song that reminded me once again how I need to continuously ask God to ruin MY plans and to ruin MY own selfish desires.

So I am off to go do some more homework. And I will catch y'all later!!! :O)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love you dear friend. glad to hear that things are going better. you are wonderful.